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Ornamental Fish international

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Cites Marine Ornamental Fishes WOrkshop scheduled for 5-9 February 2024 in Indonesia

29 Sep 2023 14:22 | Anonymous

We have received a Notification to the Parties from CITES (No.2023/116) which schedules the CITES Marine Ornamental Fishes Workshop to be held In Indonesia 5-9 February 2024. At this stage there are no other details - you can refer to the following link for the notification:


OFI will be attending the workshop and working with other trade organisations to represent the aquarium industry. We will send out more details on the workshop as they come to hand.

Contact us:

our office hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (Singapore time)


Whatsapp: +6582231434


Ornamental Fish International

Computerweg 16

3821AB Amersfoort

The Netherlands

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